Bubble Gum Day!

What is the day today?

Bubble Gum Day!

jaw [ dʒɔː ] челюсти;
chewing [ tʃuː ] жевательный;
existence [ ɪɡˈzɪstəns ] существование, наличие, существо;
charity [ ˈtʃærəti ] благотворительность, милосердие, милостыня;
contribution [ ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn ] вклад, содействие, контрибуция;
success [ səkˈses ] успех, достижение.

”For some reason, chewing gum for me gets my brain going. "
– Brie Larson

That’s been our experience too. Something about keeping the jaw closed and chewing makes the brain just focus in and start concentrating.
That’s why Bubble Game Day came into existence, with the twin goals of generating charity contributions and allowing kids to chew gum in school! So bring out your 50c, make a donation, and get to chew gum in school all day. Isn’t it about time you had something to take your mind off of Calculus? 

History of Bubblegum Day 
Bubblegum Day began in 2006, when author Ruth Spiro, decided that the world needed a day focused around education, philanthropy, and best of all bubble gum! It was such a phenomenal success that an entire institution built up around it, encourages philanthropy in children and allowing the school to support a charity that fits the beliefs and policies of the school.
It’s not just schools either! Businesses, libraries, and community centers all have been known to hold events centered on Bubble Game Day, because charity isn’t limited to educational institutions.