Bathtub Party Day!

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Bathtub Party Day!

These days, many people lead busy lives and simply do not take the time to enjoy a leisurely bath. However, soaking in a bathtub is a great way to relax and unwind and can help the body to heal itself if it is suffering from stress or conditions such as dry and flaky skin. In ancient Roman times, bathing was seen as a social occasion and special bathing parties were a regular occurrence that allowed people to bond while they discussed business or caught up on the latest gossip. 

Simply draw yourself a warm bath, fill it with suds or essential oils, turn off the phone and remove all other distractions and enjoy the soothing feeling of the warm water on your skin. 

leisurely [ ˈleʒ.ə.li ] неторопливый, спокойный;
bath [ bɑːθ ] ванна;
soaking [ ˈsəʊ.kɪŋ ] пропитывающий;
unwind [ ʌnˈwaɪnd ] расслабиться;
suffering [ ˈsʌfərɪŋ ] страдание;
flaky [ ˈfleɪ.ki ] слоистый, похожий на хлопья;
occurrence [ əˈkʌr.əns ] случай, явление;
essential oils [ ɪˈsenʃl ] [ ɔɪl ] эфирные масла; 
distractions [ dɪˈstrækʃnz ] отвлекающие, отвлекаться.