Argyle Day!

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Argyle Day!

Derived from the tartan of Clan Campbell, of Argyll in western Scotland, the pattern used for kilts and plaids and from the patterned socks (known as a tartan hose) worn by Scottish Highlanders since at least the 17th century, is recognized and honored each year on January 8th on National Argyle Day

Occasionally you may find argyle spelled argyll. 

Most commonly referred to the overall pattern made of diamonds or lozenges, the word argyle sometimes indicates a single diamond in the design. Layers of overlapping motifs are found in most argyle layouts adding a sense of three-dimensionality, movement and texture. Typically in the pattern, there is an overlay of intercrossing diagonal lines on solid diamonds. The design’s popularity was helped by its identification with the Duke of Windsor, Pringle of Scotland (a luxury knitwear manufacturer and importer). The Duke, like many others, used the argyle design pattern for golf clothing on both jerseys and long socks that were needed for the plus-fours trouser fashion of the day.

derived [ dɪˈraɪv ] производный;
tartan [ ˈtɑː.tən ] шотландка;
plaid [ plæd ] плед;
occasionally [ əˈkeɪʒnəli ] иногда, изредка;
overall [ ˌəʊvərˈɔːl ] общий, глобальный;
lozenges [ ˈlɒz.ɪndʒ ] таблетки для рассасывания;
jerseys [ ˈdʒɜː.zi ] трикотажные изделия;
trouser [ ˈtraʊ.zər ] брючный.