Advent Sunday!

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Advent Sunday!

The Advent season marks the beginning of the Christian year across many western churches in the United States. Its length varies from 22 to 28 days, starting on the Sunday nearest St Andrew’s Day and encompassing the next three Sundays, ending on Christmas Day.

Many Christians in the United States attend a church service on the first Sunday of Advent and may engage in activities such as special prayers and contributing to ideas on enhancing peace. Many Advent traditions are observed in the United States in the prelude to Christmas Day. For example, the Advent wreath is becoming increasingly popular in the United States. The wreath can be seen in various churches across the nation around this time of the year.

Advent calendars of all designs are also given as gifts at this time of the year. The calendars feature openings in the form of windows or doors that are numbered to count the days to Christmas. Calendars may contain chocolates, toys, or candy and are given to children as a fun way to observe the Christmas countdown. Some traditional Advent calendars show 24 days but many Advent calendars showing 25 days, with the last opening on Christmas Day.

length [ leŋθ ] длина, продолжительность;
encompassing [ ɪnˈkʌm.pəs ] охватывающий;
engage [ ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ ] привлекать, включать;
wreath [ riːθ ] венок;
increasingly [ ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli ] в большей степени, чрезвычайно.